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Future of Interface Workshop

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Future of Interface, Virtual Workshop, February 15-16, 2023

Co-chaired by Vint Cerf (known as one of the "fathers of the internet") and Gregg Vanderheiden (founder of the Trace R&D Center), the Future of Interface (FOI) Workshop is a 2-day virtual event that will connect the best technologists, thinkers, and leaders to try to predict what human-computer interfaces might look like in 20 years and explore ways to ensure their accessibility.

The workshop will be carried out in two stages:

  • Day 1 will be devoted to visions and speculations from futurists, scientists, and innovators in AI, Machine Learning, Direct Brain interfaces, XR/AR/VR & more!
  • Day 2 will then focus on how these technologies and their interfaces might be made accessible and usable by all people

The conference will feature an extensive lineup of expert presenters, panelists, and keynote speakers from:

- Apple

- Carnegie Mellon University

- Gallaudet University

- Google

- Massachusetts Insitute of Technology

- Meta

- Microsoft

- Olin College of Engineering

- Science Corp

- University of Colorado

- University of Maryland

- University of Washington and more

They will address existing challenges, foster collaboration, and kick off work on a long-term research & development (R&D) agenda for this area.

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This project is supported in part by a National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center grant #90REGE0008 from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Dept of Health and Human Services. Points of view or opinions do not necessarily represent funding agency policy.


Online Registration Link: Register for Event


For disability accommodations, please contact Crystal Marte at

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