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Why Does It Matter? The Connection between Hearing Loss, Cognition, and Implications for Healthy Aging

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The University of Maryland Emeritus/Emerita Association (UMEEA) is pleased to present a talk by Professors Samira Anderson, Nicole Nguyen, and Lisa Rickard entitled: "Why Does It Matter? The Connection between Hearing Loss, Cognition, and Implications for Healthy Aging."

Attention to age-related hearing loss has grown over the past decade. By the age of 70, over 50% have significant hearing loss. The prevalence increases to 75% by the age of 80 and beyond. Research continues to shed light on how untreated hearing loss can negatively impact healthy aging and overall quality of life. This can manifest as an acceleration of cognitive decline, increased isolation and depression, and even in an increased risk of falls. Yet hearing loss is often characterized as a benign condition of aging despite evidence to the contrary. There continues to be a low rate of hearing aid adoption (15-20% of those who might benefit). This is likely due to barriers to hearing healthcare such as cost, access, awareness and understanding, and stigma.

The presentation will address these topics as well as current attempts to overcome these barriers such as over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids and alternate hearing healthcare delivery models.

UMEEA presents programs of particular interest to retired faculty and those faculty who are nearing retirement; however our programs are open to the whole campus community (UMD faculty, staff, students, alumni and their guests).



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