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GAHA Lecture - Manuel Lafarga Marques and Penélope Sanz González, "Diego Ortiz and Giorgione at the Wedding at Cana - The Forgotten history of a famous canvas"

  • To
  • Parren J. Mitchell Art-Sociology Building
Veronese's The Wedding at Cana

Wednesday, October 25, 2023 1:00 pm-3:00 pm

Parren J. Mitchell Art/Sociology Building, 4213A Michelle Smith Collaboratory

Please join the Graduate Art History Association in welcoming Professor Manuel Lafarga Marques and Scholar Penélope Sanz González for a talk on their latest discoveries concerning Paolo Caliari's The Wedding at Cana.

Manuel Lafarga Marques is a Professor of Music History at the Conservatory of Valencia. His Doctoral Thesis was devoted to polyphonic practices of ancient Greeks and Romans, entitled "Echoes from Greece. Historical funds of vocal and instrumental polyphony in the Classical World" (2017, and free download at the Universitat Politécnica de Valencia repositories). He has taught both Music and the History of Aesthetics for more than 25 years at various higher education centers across Spain, and has developed more than 50 courses revolving around his research interests in neuroscience, human evolution and ancient musicology. At present, he teaches at the Conservatory of Music "Joaquín Rodrigo" of Valencia and manages a Youtube Channel ("Manuel Lafarga") devoted to all these topics, with more than 150 whole lectures recorded during the last 12 years, and near 5000 subscribers.

Dr. Lafarga's research team has devoted the last seven years to The Wedding at Canva canvas, and maintains a webpage on the topic of The Wedding at Cana (1563), where their recorded lectures and publications are freely available:

Dr. Lafarga will be joined by Penelope Sanz, a PhD candidate in the “Art: Production & Research” Program at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Penelope is a Master in technology and knowledge management (Music Education Degree) and co-author of almost all the publications on the Veronese canvas with Dr. Lafarga. She has several national and international publications on the topics she and Dr. Lafarga will present at the University of Maryland with 25 years of experience researching music and evolution, neuroscience and ancient musicology. Penelope maintains the webpage: Her doctoral thesis investigates further the musicological and iconographical aspect of Veronese's canvas.

We welcome both these scholars to the University of Maryland to lend their insight on this famous piece!


Parren J. Mitchell Art-Sociology Building

4213A Michelle Smith Collaboratory


Department of Art History & Archaeology

For disability accommodations, please contact Zoe Copeman at

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