Experiential Indaba: Unpacking COVID-19 and Identity
- To
- Memorial Chapel

The COVID-19 pandemic impacted each member of our community in profound ways - many of which are rooted to our personal identities, cultures, and lived experiences.
For many, we experienced disproportionate impacts of the virus on our marginalized communities. For others, the shutdown gave us the space we needed to more fully understand ourselves and our personal identities. Many others still found ourselves stepping back and/or stepping into different roles in our families, as abilities and capacities shifted due to COVID-19. This unique Experiential Indaba will give all of us, regardless of personal identities or lived experiences, the chance to more fully process how the COVID-19 shutdown shaped who we have become today, as well the opportunity to better understand how we can show up for one another in challenging moments to come.
We will begin with a reflective meditation and Labyrinth walk, and then have two different opportunities for processing, depending on personal preference. Participants can either enjoy quiet personal reflection via prompted writing or reflecting in community via guided conversation.
Join SADI for our Experiential Indaba on Tuesday, November 15th from 12:00 - 1:30 pm at the Memorial Chapel - light refreshments will be provided. RSVP’s are requested, but not required to attend the event.