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Abolishing Racism: Creating a Future without Race (Virtual Conference)

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In a world where the concept of “race” continues to permeate our societies and shape our perceptions, the need for a radical shift in our approach to combating racism has never been more evident. The “Abolishing Racism: Creating a Future without Race” conference is a groundbreaking event that brings together a diverse range of speakers, scholars, artists, and activists who advocate for racial eliminativism — the bold belief that to truly end racism, we must dismantle the very notion of “race” itself.

Conference Schedule


Opening Remarks: Professor Hoda Mahmoudi, Bahá’í Chair for World Peace, University of Maryland


Morning Keynote: Professor Joseph Graves, North Carolina A&T State University

10:45 - 11:00

Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:30

Panel One: Philosophy/Theology/Science

Professor Jacoby Carter, Howard University

Rev. Dr. Starlette Thomas, Good Faith Media

Dr. Tade Souaiaia, SUNY Downstate

12:30 - 1:00


1:00 - 2:00

Afternoon Keynote: Dr. Sheena Mason, SUNY Oneonta

2:00 - 2:15

Coffee Break

2:15 - 4:00

Panel Session Two: Art/Music/Humanities

Ms. Angélica Daas, Humanæ Project

Dr. Anika Prather, The Catholic University of America

Mr Greg Thomas, Jazz Leadership Project

Dr Carlos Hoyt, PhD, LICSW, Psychotherapy |Diversity Equity & Inclusion |Educational Consultant


Wrap-Up roundtable Session



Baha'i Chair for World Peace

For disability accommodations, please contact Baha'i Chair at

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