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Campus Calendar

Mentoring Workshops for Graduate Students & Postdoctoral Fellows

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image of Testudo Placeholder

This virtual four-part mini-series is for postdocs and graduate students in the biomedical and population health sciences. These workshops are intended to be taken as a set, but please register even if you do not intend to attend all four.

All workshops will take place on Tuesdays from 12 - 1:30 pm in Zoom. A link will be sent out prior to each meeting.

Register here:

The content of each session is designed to address the key concerns and challenges identified by research mentors that train graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. These sessions would be beneficial to any student and postdoctoral fellow to better understand the mentoring relationship and also to prepare for becoming a mentor in the future.

Upcoming Sessions:

October 11 – Introductions and Maintaining Effective Communication

October 18 – Aligning Expectations and Assessing Understanding

October 25 – Addressing Equity and Inclusion

November 1 – Fostering Independence and Promoting Professional Development



For disability accommodations, please contact Blessing Enekwe at