Affordable Course Materials: Maryland Open Source Textbook (M.O.S.T.) Grants Info Session
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Teaching and Learning Transformation Center workshop for instructors:
Interested in receiving funding and support as you work to create affordable course materials for your courses? Join current M.O.S.T. grant recipients and library and TLTC staff to discuss the process of applying for a M.O.S.T. grant. In addition to funding, you receive strategic planning and implementation support from USM and UMD staff. Bring your ideas and get feedback from your peers.
For more information about the TLTC, visit
To see other upcoming TLTC workshops, visit
Online Registration Link: Registration link for Affordable Course Materials: Maryland Open Source Textbook (M.O.S.T.) Grants Info Session
This workshop will be held online via Zoom. When you register, you will gain access to the Zoom link on the Eventbrite page. You will also receive an immediate email and a reminder email before the event starts.